I’m a big animal lover and I adore, adoooreee when my clients bring their pets to their sessions. This one was no exception as Helena and Markus brought their cutie dogs with them to the session and it was pure chaos with all the cuteness at the same time. While my initial plan was not to only stay at the beach and maybe get some more adorable photos into the mix, we ended up staying on the beach til the sunset and we got the most beautiful blue hour light possible.
While I mentioned that the session was all cuteness, but also a lot of chaos, I mean it – it was a looot of chaos. When you add 2 whippets to the mix of a session and you are trying to get some playful photos they will think it’s playtime for them and start to also engage with you, so you know – chaos.
Even though the session was pure chaos a lot of the time, I could not stop going “awwww, how cute” and “yess” every few minutes, because Helena and Markus were just that god damn adorable. As I said they were adorable, I mean they were soo adorable that I had such a hard time while editing the photos for them due to constantly going “awwwwwwwwwww”.
The plan was to do a bit of a picnic date for them so they could relax and live into the photos, but with 2 dogs that want to go vroooms all the time, it was a bit hard to let them just relax and enjoy each others company. So instead I opted for plan B – getting them to just have fun and play, but that also ended with the dogs being very interested in what their parents are doing and wanting to be part of the fun. When you look at the photos at the end of this post, you will see at some point Tibet (one of the dogs) will make an appearance.
I love how the photos came out, they feel alive and fun. They feel like a movie set on a beach at sunset. While you may be looking at the photos and some of them you think – well she could have edited that out and you know, done that better, then I have something to tell you. While these photos might not be perfect perfect, I feel like they are exactly perfect in the most beautiful chaotic way. They match with my clients and that is my biggest goal for any session.
