Jackie and Priit

Another beautiful session in the books, this time I had the pleasure of photographing beautiful Jackie and Priit. This time it wasn’t just a couples session, but a maternity session. I had already done a couple of sessions with them in the fall, but this time they were expecting and I had the honour of capturing this most beautiful time for them.

Doing sessions in June and outdoors is a bit of a hassle as the mosquitos are extremely aggressive and can really be a big distraction. This time was no exception, they were aggressive and really just loving me, while Jackie and Priit were fine, but they were also standing in the light and enjoying the sun. While the weather was always a bit iffy and there was always that scary moment of “it’s going to rain” (would have actually loved it to rain, to get some different pictures), we did not get any of that – only the most beautiful light, making all the photos feel super magical. What also helped to feel the photos more magical, was the beautiful dress Jackie was wearing. It’s like Jackie read my thoughts and was like “let me get a beautiful dress and lets make it magical!”

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